At the m2 Film Lab Script Development Workshop September events, we had insightful conversations with our guests on the scriptwriting process. In the second leg of the workshop, we will discuss the production process of the first or second films. The talks, which are open to industry people, film and television students and filmlovers, will be held via Zoom, and the sessions of foreign guest speakers will be held in English without a translator.
Participation in the talks is free.

18 November – 16:00
Getting Ready for Co-Production Markets
Konuk: Oana Giurgiu

19 November – 14:30
Yazmak, Yönetmek ve Yapmak
Konuk: Tolga Karaçelik Moderatör: Ali Vatansever

20 November – 17:00
Çoklu Mecralar Çağında Film Finansmanı
Konuk: Yamaç Okur